As of September 10, 2020:
Positive: 68
Negative: 6932
Total tests: 7046
Active: 2
Hospitalized: 0
Deaths: 2
Recovered: 64
As of September 10, 2020:
Positive: 68
Negative: 6932
Total tests: 7046
Active: 2
Hospitalized: 0
Deaths: 2
Recovered: 64
The following are updated documents provided by the Tribe for the Election Board:
The Authorization to perform background check must be filled out with the Statement of Intent forms – for both School Board and Tribal Council.
SAMHSA is offering free recovery-focused webinars each Thursday this month:
Recovery emerges from hope. – see more from
I encourage you to add their number into your phone and label the contact CRISIS in case you need to share it/ help someone: 855-662-7474
Hello Tribal Members!
Have you filled out your 2020 Census yet? It’s nearing the end of the self-response phase and we want to reward Tribal Members who ALREADY responded!
Call Elaina Via at the Tribal Offices, 464-9270, to be entered for a drawing for completing the 2020 Census!! 2 WINNERS AND 1 GRAND PRIZE WINNER WILL BE DRAWN FOR A GIFT CARD!!
Call NOW to be entered to win if you ALREADY COMPLETED THE CENSUS. Still haven’t yet? No worries. Call Elaina and she’ll tell you where/how to fill out the Census!
I am Mescalero Apache and I Count!
School Supplies available: JOM
K-12th Grade
Monday – Friday; 9AM – 4PM
Empowerment Building
Head Start School Supplies: JOM
Starting September 8th, 2020
Monday – Friday; 9AM – 4PM
Empowerment Building
For more information, call 464-4500.
As of August 31, 2020:
Negatives: 6688
Positives: 67 (58 residents & 9 TM non-residents)
Total tests: 6748*
*Includes IHS and testing by NMDOH/other entities
2 deaths
0 hospitalized
4 active cases (not hospitalized but in quarantine)
61 recovered
With vital importance of traditional blessing ceremonies to the strength and well-being of the Mescalero Apache people, the Tribal Council will sponsor a blessing feast held at one of our four sacred mountains.
´Dził gais ´ání, (Sierra Blanca), holds significance to our Mescalero Apache people because it is sacred and represents one of the four directions which marks our homelands.
The four year journey began in 2017 at Guadalupe Peak and continued in 2018 at Tres Hermanas Mountain and onto 2019 at Oscura Mountain Peak. Sierra Blanca is the final blessing feast hosted at one of the four sacred mountains.
See you at the feast!
As of August 26, 2020:
Total 6492
Positive 65
Negative 6417
Active 3
Hospitalized 0
Deaths 2
Recovered 60