10% DISCOUNT offered on ALL GROCERY AND DELI SALES at the Mescalero Tribal Store during the furlough period.
VAWA Program receives FBI award

The Albuquerque FBI Division has presented the 2018 Director’s Community Leadership Award to the Mescalero Apache Tribe Violence Against Women Awareness Program (VAWA).
Started in 2015 as part of a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, the program provides services to victims of domestic violence and other violent crimes as well as implements educational programs about domestic violence and human trafficking.
Each of the FBI’s 56 field offices annually selects an individual or organization to receive the award, which recognizes efforts in combating crime, terrorism, drugs, and violence in America.
VAWA Director Lola Ahidley has been invited to a ceremony in Washington, D.C., where FBI Director Christopher Wray will present her and other recipients with crystal awards.
“The Mescalero Apache Tribe Violence Against Women Awareness Program has greatly increased awareness of domestic violence and other crimes,” Albuquerque FBI Special Agent in Charge James Langenberg said. “The FBI is proud to recognize the hard work of those who are improving communication among victims, families, law enforcement, and the courts to help break the generational cycle of violence.”
Ahidley, who is Mescalero Apache, works with two assistants to offer free counseling to domestic violence victims and conduct no-cost community prevention and education on bullying, elder fraud, sex trafficking, and domestic violence.
VAWA meets regularly with U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) victim services specialists to staff cases and to provide for immediate needs not funded under BIA or FBI programs, such as lodging, clothing, hygiene items, and cellphones for victims of domestic violence and other violent crimes.
VAWA attends arraignments for domestic violence victims in Mescalero Apache tribal court, and successfully requested to have an ordinance passed by the tribal government to allow advocates in court at the request of a victim.
The program recently sponsored a two-day “women’s self-defense training” seminar that was so popular that Ahidley has been asked to repeat it.
VAWA is conducting a program to raise awareness of human trafficking, especially around the tribe’s casinos and truck stops. They offer training for employees of those businesses and have put messages on billboards throughout the reservation.
More information about VAWA can be found at: https://mescaleroapachetribe.com/mescalero-vaw/

Earth Day 2019
Staff at the Mescalero Tribal Administration offices touched the earth at 9 AM MT to honor Mother Earth.

Staff outside Mescalero Admin. offices Tribal Council Secretary Sher Skin and Vice President Gabe Aguilar touching the earth at 9 AM More staff honoring Mother Earth Tribal Council Secretary Sher Skin reading the resolution that was passed by MAT Council
New Book Announcement

Eric Bell, Mescalero Apache published author, grew up on the reservation hearing stories of tribal legends. His first fictional publication, Tribal Anthology, is about his own versions of tribal stories told to him as a young boy. Follow the book as it takes you through the lives of teenage friends who encounter tribal myths from tales said through generations before them to present day.
The book is available by order at:
Amazon (paperback)
If you wish to purchase Tribal Anthology from Eric, please contact him at 575-464-0080. Each copy is $12.
Reminder to reservation residents

9-1-1 Tips & Guidelines courtesy BIA/OJS-Mescalero Agency, Chief of Police James Veplay
Top 10 Tips for Calling 9-1-1
Created by a special 911 Lifeline, APCO, NENA team
Have you ever wondered whether to call 9-1-1? Since 9-1-1 is for emergencies only, it helps to understand when to call and when not to call. An emergency is any serious situation where a law enforcement officer,fire fighter, or emergency medical help is needed right away. If you are unsure of whether your situation is an emergency, go ahead and call 9-1-1. The 9-1-1 call taker can determine if you need emergency assistance and can route you to the correct location.
9-1-1 call takers are trained to get the most important information as quickly as possible to get help on the way to an emergency situation. In an emergency situation, allow the call taker to ask you all the questions they need in order to get help there in the timeliest manner before you hang up or leave the phone. If you happen to call by accident, stay on the line until you can tell the call taker that you called by accident and there is no emergency. This saves the call taker from having to call you back and confirm there is no emergency or possibly sending police with lights and sirens to check your address for an emergency.
Staying calm can be one of the most difficult, yet most important, things you do when calling 9-1-1. It is very important that you stay as calm as possible and answer all the questions the 9-1-1 call taker asks. The questions 9-1-1 call takers ask, no matter how relevant they seem, are important in helping get the first responders to you as fast as possible.
Listen and answer the questions asked. By doing this, it helps the call taker understand your situation and will assist you with your emergency until the appropriate police, fire or medical units arrive.
The wireless 9-1-1 caller must be aware that the 9-1-1 center that answers the call may not be the 9-1-1 center that services the area that the wireless caller is calling from. Look for landmarks, cross street signs and buildings. Know the name of the city or county you are in. Knowing the location is vital to getting the appropriate police, fire or EMS units to respond. Providing an accurate address is critically important when making a wireless 9-1-1 call.
Be sure they know what 9-1-1 is, how to dial from your home and cell phone, and to trust the 9-1-1 call taker. Make sure your child is physically able to reach at least one phone in your home. When calling 9-1-1 your child needs to know their name, parent’s name, telephone number, and most importantly their address. Tell them to answer all the call takers questions and to stay on the phone until instructed to hang up.
Be sure all members of your household are aware that prank or harassing calls to 9-1-1 will be dealt with by local law enforcement agencies.
Posting your 9-1-1 address at the driveway entrance and on your home will alleviate any confusion as to whether emergency responders have the correct location. Try using something reflective or illuminated so that it can be seen in the evening as well as during the day.
DO NOT ASSUME SINCE YOUR MAILBOX IS MARKED YOU HAVE POSTED YOUR ADDRESS – mailboxes are not always at the entrance of a driveway and usually are not marked clearly on both sides. Several cities and counties have ordinances for posting 9-1-1 addresses – check with your local ones. And always report missing street signs when noted – these not only help others find your home but are essential to emergency response personnel.
Educate everyone about the phone system in your home as well as your cell phone. Children may need to use the devices in an emergency and will need to know how to operate them.
Leaders in Telecommunication Network sharing expertise

Mescalero, NM
Mescalero Apache Telecom, Inc. (MATI) is one of nine telecommunication network owned and operated by a federally recognized tribe in the country. MATI was established in 1995, incorporated in 1999 and has been in service since 2001. They are a full service, state-of-the-art Telecommunication Company.

As the Jicarilla Apache Nation, takes strides to obtain better knowledge and expertise in telecommunications, MATI is more than happy to lend a helping hand. Establishing good working relationships and sharing knowledge between both tribes, Mescalero Apache and Jicarilla, about telecommunication intelligence is important. Mescalero will help Dulce communicate with the world pending an agreement between both tribes.

Jicarilla Tribal Council Members, William Julian Jr., Ronald Julian and Romaine Wood, along with Miss Jicarilla Kaylee Wood recently visited and toured MATI’s high tech facilities and equipment.
St. Joseph’s Apache Mission Church
Food Bank
For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you made me welcome…
Mathew 25:35
For many years the food bank at St. Joseph’s Apache Mission Church has faithfully served the Mescalero Apache community, providing assistance to anyone on the reservation in need regardless of religion affiliation. Sister Robert Ann Hecker remembers back to 1995 when the Mescalero Ministerial Alliance established the food bank and she agreed to direct it. “It was located at St. Joseph’s because space was available there,” she said. “Flour, rice, beans, pasta, canned goods and occasionally a small amount of beef have been the main items needed to distributed. We do not receive any government grants but keep going on donations, including those from the Inn of the Mountain Gods casino, the postal workers and a collection from the community at Lenten services. Donations also arrive occasionally from area businesses and members of the community who are encouraged to also support the food bank.
Brian, Jennifer, and Lauren Wright have been major donors to the food bank. Brian’s maternal family is from New Mexico and he claims Apache heritage. They are active in the Mid-America All Indian Center in Wichita, Kansas. In 2012 they visited Mescalero and brought an SUV full of food and other household supplies to the food bank. They also coordinated efforts with UPS to have half a ton of flour shipped for no cost from the Hudson Flour Mill in Kansas. Since that first visit they have made several trips with their SUV full of supplies and have hosted fundraisers in Wichita to raise funds to assist the food bank and youth activities. This year they raised $7,200.00 for St. Joseph’s Apache Mission.
Thanksgiving is a special time for the Mescalero community and the Wrights. Last year their goal was to have at least 30 meals available for families. They outdid it and donated 38-42 turkeys. They plan to continue the goal this year and will bring the turkeys in their SUV, weather permitting. “We deeply appreciate everyone’s efforts to help us,” said Sister Robert Ann.
The food bank at Mescalero is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 am to 3 pm. The telephone number to call for more information is 575-464-4473.
Public Safety Notice
BIA/OJS Mescalero Agency wants to remind Mescalero residents, employees, and visitors that if Emergency Services are needed, please call 911 or if it is a non-emergency call 575-464-4479. Post this number on your refrigerator or save it in your cell phone.
If you need an ambulance, fire truck, law enforcement or conservation services call right away. ANY of these Mescalero employees (Police, Fire/Rescue, and Conservation) are dispatched from on-duty Communications Officers that have protocol and procedures to follow in getting other on-duty employees to respond.
If you do not call right away, the response time will only be delayed and as we all know, in emergency circumstances, seconds count. Lastly, I’d like to request that if/when residents see something suspicious, please call it in. If you see something, say something (report it).
Stay safe,
Chief of Police James Vepley
BIA OJS Mescalero Agency
Art students re-create classic billboard
Mescalero, NM
One of the well known billboards that greet visitors along the highway was recently covered with a new vinyl sign. Our high school students in Ms. Lane’s art class collaborated to redesign the classic billboard at the bottom of route 6.
The widely known billboard went through some major wear and tear resulting in the paint fading and tearing. One could say that the sign has been up for longer than 45 years; since the 70’s!
From that time, the billboard was repainted and covered with other vinyl signs. Ms. Lane and the students expect their sign to be up a lot longer.
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When asked about having his art work on the recreated billboard, Nana Chee said, “It feels good.” He feels the sign will be up longer since the material is more durable to weather conditions.
When creating the billboard, the art students didn’t want to veer far from the original painting. The mountain, moon, crown dancer, and text are still apart of billboard but in a different format.
Mrs. Lane explained, “The students had to be introduced to the digital Photoshop realm dealing with computers, some students have never practiced digital formats such as the Adobe application.”
Community Center Renovations
After more than 15 years, the Mescalero Community Center recently had renovations done to the gymnasium and public restrooms.
In early July 2016 as the “Kickoff Project” the gymnasium walls were repainted and years of fading and stains were removed and new life was breath into the gym with fresh white paint.
Once all the paint had dried, the refurbishment of the gym floor got underway. Starting in August, the Center Maintenance crew began clearing away anything that wasn’t needed for the refurbishment.
Then, the work began!
With the completion of the refurbished gym floor, the Center Maintenance crew, along with Administration, have taken steps to protect and maintain the gym floor and the financial investment made on behalf of the tribal membership.
As a result, certain activities will be prohibited on the new gym floor. Activities that may damage the new finish on the flooring will likely cease be held in the gym.
The major concern for the flooring is assuring its pristine condition. Food, un-hygienic substances, debris, and trash were the primary causes of the deterioration of the old floor and presented a major setback in getting the gym refurbished as many hours were spent cleaning the gym before the renovation could take place.
In an effort to make sure our community gym is protected from damaged, only approved activities will be allowed in the gym moving forward.
Center Maintenance is looking into new carpet and/or floor covering that would be utilized to protect the gym floor during certain functions. Before, mats were carried and laid out evenly covering the whole gym. The new carpet and/or floor covering would be stored and simply rolled out.
Also in August, the renovation of the public restrooms began.
Workers had to totally demolish the men’s and women’s restroom in order for new furnishings to be installed.