As of January 25, 2021:
Total: 14,830*
Negative: 13,951
Positive: 819**
*Includes testing by IHS & NMDOH
**New cases: 13 (since 01/21/21 – average of 3.25 new cases per day)
Active: 79
Direct Contacts: 105
Hospitalizations: 4
Deaths: 19
As of January 25, 2021:
Total: 14,830*
Negative: 13,951
Positive: 819**
*Includes testing by IHS & NMDOH
**New cases: 13 (since 01/21/21 – average of 3.25 new cases per day)
Active: 79
Direct Contacts: 105
Hospitalizations: 4
Deaths: 19
Just recently the New Mexico Human Services Department (HSD), Behavioral Health Services Division (BHSD) shared with the Tribe that they are working with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on providing crisis counseling to individuals who have been impacted by COVID-19.
What does this mean for Mescalero Apache Tribal Members?
Letting you know and encouraging you to use free, confidential and anonymous COVID-19 Counseling and Support Services by calling:
A Native American owned communications firm located on the Pueblo of Sandia Indian Reservation is supporting BHSD to increase awareness of the importance of seeking crisis counseling and encouraging the tribal population in New Mexico to use the FREE hotline.
The hotline would be an additional tool and option for existing counseling services here in Mescalero.
When individuals call the hotline, they can expect access to individual crisis counseling, group crisis counseling, brief educational and supportive contact, referral and resource linkage(s) and community networking and support.
The current pandemic has put a tremendous toll on our Tribal Members and everyone across the globe.
We want to ensure that you know of this service available to you and someone you love to help cope with overwhelming emotions and experiences during the coronavirus pandemic.
According to BHSD there will be a big push for New Mexico tribal families and communities to increase awareness about the hotline.
Again, that hotline is the
As of January 21, 2021:
Total: 14,581*
Negative: 13,623
Positive: 806**
*Includes testing by IHS & NMDOH
**New cases: 35 (since 01/14/21 – average of 5 new cases per day)
Active: 80
Direct Contacts: 125
Hospitalizations: 4
Deaths: 19
Good afternoon everyone, in regards to the Tribe’s COVID-19 Economic Assistance Program, we are no longer accepting applications.
This Assistance Program included up to $450 in assistance with existing accounts at MATI (575-464-4039), Mescalero Gas Company (575-464-4323) and the Tribal Store (575-464-9319).
However, if you already submitted an application for the Assistance Program please, contact the businesses listed above or Accounting (575-464-9251).
Currently, the Tribe is still accepting applications for the COVID-19 Economic Support Payment (stimulus).
There are many checks that have not been claimed by Tribal Members who did not complete an application.
To receive the $900 COVID-19 Economic Support Payment you must fill out the application.
Applications can be picked up here at the Tribal Offices.
For more information, contact Accounting at 575-464-9251.
Attention Tribal Members:
The Tribe’s COVID-19 Economic Assistance Program in which each Tribal member who is head of household could receive up to $450 in economic assistance is NOW READY FOR USE.
Only if you completed the application, your economic assistance will be ready to at MATI (575-464-4039) up to $150, Mescalero Gas Company (575-464-4323) up to $150 and Tribal Store (575-464-9319) up to $150.
Also, if you have NOT completed the Tribe’s COVID-19 Economic Support Payment application, DO SO IMMEDIATELY.
The sooner individuals can complete the application, the sooner their checks could be given to them. This is for the individuals who HAVE NOT completed the application-there is still time but not much.
Applications can be filled out outside the Tribal Offices. For more information, call Accounting 575-464-9251. Please be patient when calling due to the high volume of calls-someone will be able to assist you.
The Mescalero Child Support Office is now located at the Assisted Living building located at the Care Center.
The address is 454 Lipan Avenue.
Child Support Office phone numbers are still the same, 575-464-2577 or 575-464-2578.
If you or someone you know needs to make a payment please follow the steps down to the front door.
Staff from the Child Support Office will be able to help you from there.
The month of January is nationally recognized as National Stalking Awareness Month.
“Stalking is a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact of any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel feat”, according to the Department of Justice.
The State of New Mexico defines stalking as: knowingly pursuing a pattern of conduct that would cause a reasonable person to feel frightened, intimidated or threatened. A stalker must intend to cause reasonable apprehension. A stalker must follow, surveil or harass. Aggravated stalking is when it violates a restraining order, while possessing a deadly weapon or when the victim is less than 16 years old.
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, during a 12-month period approximately 14 out of every 1,000 individuals age 18 and older are victims of stalking. Half of all stalking victims experience one or more unwanted contacts a week and 11% of all stalking victims state that they have been stalked for at least 5 years. Nearly 3 out of 4 victims knew his/her perpetrator in some capacity. Stalking is strongly correlated to sexual assault and domestic violence.
Stalking is a gender neutral crime, with both male and female perpetrators and victims; however, men commit most stalking crimes with 4 out of 5 of the victims being women. Stalkers come from every walk of life and every socio-economic background. Virtually anyone can be a stalker, just as anyone can be a stalking survivor.
Common behaviors and tactics used by stalkers include, but are not limited to:
One of the ways perpetrators stalk victims is through the use of technology, known as cyberstalking. 1 out of every 4 stalking victims report cyberstalking.
Some uses of technology to stalk include:
Technology and digital platforms are a growing medium, which means that the likelihood that someone could interact with you in an uninvited, cyberstalking manner is greater as well.
If you think you are being stalked, you are right to be concerned. Stalking may escalate in behavior. Below are some tips to increase your safety and effectively report the crime:
A friendly reminder to keep wearing your mask and keep a social distance from everyone who is not a member of your immediate household.
The Tribe has masks and hand sanitizer available at the Tribal Office if you are in need.
Simply go to the front doors at the Tribal Offices and ask Tribal Security.
Even with people receiving the vaccine, the coronavirus is still around.
With this in mind, the Tribe strongly discourages family gatherings.
Everyone please continue to be vigilant and practice preventative health and sanitation guidelines due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
As of January 14, 2021:
Total: 14,338*
Negative: 13,345
Positive: 771 **
*Includes testing by IHS & NMDOH
**New cases: 16 (since 01/13/21)
Active: 51
Direct Contacts: 125
Hospitalizations: 6
Deaths: 19
As of January 13, 2021:
Total: 14,293*
Negative: 13,318
Positive: 755**
*Includes testing by IHS & NMDOH
**New cases: 11 (since 01/12/21)
Active: 34
Direct Contacts: 38
Hospitalizations: 3
Deaths: 19