Businesses that applied under the first round of funding are not eligible to apply for this second round of applications.
Second round of applicants must:
Grant monies may only be used for certain purposes. To request an application or more information, please email ncervantes@mescaleroapachetribe.com.
Applications must be emailed to ncervantes@mescaleroapachetribe.com before the deadline.
June 6, 2020. Early this morning, former Mescalero Apache Tribal President Frederick Chino, Sr. passed on after a long battle with cancer.
He was President of the Tribe in 2012 and 2013. Prior to that, he served many terms as a member of the Tribal Council and Vice-President of the Tribe. Mr. Chino began his most recent term in January 2020. He is one of the longest serving leaders in the Tribe’s history. Current President Gabe Aguilar reflected, “Fred was known for always carrying a copy of the Tribal Constitution with him and in his heart. But he did not need the copy; he had it memorized because of his dedication to our people.”
Mr. Chino served under the late President Wendell Chino, a well-known leader of the Tribe who passed in 1998. “Fred always talked about the late Wendell Chino but Fred himself contributed a lot to the Tribe,” President Aguilar added, “Fred was never afraid to defend our Tribe’s sovereignty. I am honored to have served with him and my prayers are with his entire family.”
Mr. Chino is survived by his wife Gloria, his children, his many grandchildren and great grandchildren. He died peacefully at his home in Mescalero surrounded by family and friends.
From the family of Mr. Chino:
“We, the family of the late Frederick Chino Sr., would like to express our gratitude, appreciation, and best wishes to all that eased a trying time for us. The hugs, the words, phone calls an txt messages, the various foods an drinks, flowers, cards, blankets, and cash donations, and hands on help was enormous. Rather than try to name each individual or family, simply Thank You very much to all. We will pay it forward, because thats what Frederick would do. Ixhehe
As of June 5, 2020:
0 positive
10 positive cases (reservation residents)
1 positive case (non-reservation resident)
1 death
Attention Tribal Members
The Tribe received numerous return checks in the mail from the Economic Support Payment. As a result, starting Monday, Accounting will call individuals in order to verify their address. Accounting will use phone numbers that individuals provided on their application. After Accounting has verified your address, they will resend the check to the correct address.
As of June 4, 2020 8pm:
1 positive case
10 positive cases (reservation residents)
1 positive case (non-reservation resident)
1 death
As of June 3, 2020 7pm:
0 positives
9 positives (Reservation residents)
1 positive (Tribal member non-resident)
1 death