Due to the current circumstances, ALL retirement checks for the June 1, 2020 payment will be mailed on Thursday, 5/28/2020. Our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience.
Please understand that we are following safety precautions.
Due to the current circumstances, ALL retirement checks for the June 1, 2020 payment will be mailed on Thursday, 5/28/2020. Our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience.
Please understand that we are following safety precautions.
In regards to Mescalero Apache Tribe’s Violence against Women Program’s operation during the next two weeks:
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic our services will be limited, we will continue to transport under emergency situations, ensuring that we are taking all safety precautions.
I will be in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays, both Kerianna Barcus, DV Advocate, and I will be on call 24/7. Our on call phone number have been send to Law Enforcement, Fire ‘n Rescue and Conservation Department.
At this time, we encourage all community members to adhere to Executive Order 20-05 “Reservation LockDown”. This is for everyone’s safety. If domestic violence should occur during this lockdown, we ask that you call Law Enforcement and if our assistance is needed PD will call us.
Stay Safe and God Bless our Community!!
Michaelene Ahidley, Elderly Program Director
RE: Closure of the Mescalero Elderly Center
The Mescalero Elderly Center will be closed for the next two weeks to adhere to the Executive Order 20-05 “Reservation LockDown”. We will not be serving meals, homebounds or pick up meals during this time. I will be in the office in the mornings on Tuesdays and Thursdays and will provide limited transportation to deliver medication and Dr. appointments, ensuring that all safety precautions are taken.
During this time we are encouraging all elders to stay home and if you need to go out, please wear a mask. As we adhere the advice of the medical professionals and Leaders, we will “WIN THIS FIGHT AGAINST THE COVID-19”
Prayers and Blessings to you all!
May 26, 2020. This morning, the Mescalero Apache Tribe announced the first death of a Reservation resident, an elderly woman, from the coronavirus (COVID-19). Tribal President Gabe Aguilar stated: “The individual that passed was the second resident to test positive. She was tested just hours after our first case was confirmed. It has been only a few days since the virus came to the Reservation. This virus moves quickly and targets our elders.”
The Tribe is entering its second day of a fourteen-day lockdown. Tribal offices and businesses on the Reservation are closed. Tribal residents will be cited if they do not comply with the lockdown. “The Tribe is being strict for a reason,” President Aguilar commented. “The Tribe has worked hard over the last two months to avoid this. I am heartbroken. The family is heartbroken. But we must keep going. We must come together to stop the virus.”
The Tribe will provide updates on its official website (www.mescaleroapachetribe.com) and Facebook page.
During lockdown: you should leave your home to get tested only if you are symptomatic or if you are called by Mescalero IHS to get tested. Otherwise, please stay home!
**Symptoms to look out for include: fever, dry cough, and difficulty breathing.
If you are suffering from these symptoms and you want to be tested, then call Mescalero IHS so they can prepare for your arrival. If you are not sure if you have symptoms, then call IHS for more information.
Today, with the help of the Indian Health Service (IHS), New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH), and New Mexico National Guard (National Guard), the Mescalero Apache Tribe was able to conduct mass testing for coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Reservation. Over 600 individuals were tested today alone. Since the first positive case on the Reservation on May 21st, over 800 total tests have been conducted.
Thank you to the community members who stepped up and volunteered to test! Thank you IHS, NMDOH, and the National Guard for your help. Thank you to Tribal Leadership, Tribal Conservation and Center Maintenance staff for your help as well! With everyone’s help, we were able to mobilize for this event in less than 24 hours. The Tribe is grateful for all of your efforts – great work!
As of today there are 4 positive cases of coronavirus in Mescalero. Keep an eye out for more updates on the number of tests and positive results on the Tribe’s official website and Facebook page.
Please note: due to the overwhelming number of tests, results may be delayed for some individuals for several days.
8AM – 12 NOON