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Claimants on PUA will not be required to search for work
(Albuquerque, NM) – In March, the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWS) waived the work search requirements for Unemployment Insurance claimants who had lost their job or had hours reduced as a result of COVID-19. This waiver will end on July 18, 2020.
Claimants receiving benefits will be required to verify that at least two work searches occurred each week when submitting their certification. In upcoming weeks, NMDWS in coordination with New Mexico Workforce Connection offices, will be providing guidance, training, and workshop options to claimants that will satisfy the work search requirement for the week in which they attend.
Individuals receiving Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) – the self-employed, independent contractors, and gig economy workers – are not required by federal law to conduct work searches and will continue to receive a waiver. While the U.S. Department of Labor requires work searches for claimants receiving standard unemployment benefits, they have not instituted the same requirement for claimants on PUA.
In addition to the above change, NMDWS is advising all claimants that the last payable week for Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC), an additional benefit of $600 per week, will be the week ending July 25, 2020.
Testing slots available from 8 to 11 a.m. every Monday at Dept. of Health field offices
New Mexico’s utility workers have been hard at work throughout the COVID-19 crisis, ensuring critical infrastructure continues to provide reliable drinking water, electricity and wastewater services throughout the state. As part of an effort to keep this essential workforce safe and healthy, as well as to assist the state in identifying, isolating and tracing new cases, the Department of Health has designated special statewide COVID-19 testing hours for all utility workers.
“We are grateful for our utility workers, who continue their hard and important work throughout this pandemic,” said New Mexico Environment Department Cabinet Secretary James Kenney. “It is imperative they are able to safely and responsibly do their jobs. To that end, I urge all service providers of electricity, natural gas, drinking water, and wastewater to encourage their employees to get tested for COVID-19. An outbreak at such a utility could have devastating consequences for these critical workforces and impact communities throughout New Mexico.”
“Broadscale testing will ultimately result in more lives saved,” said Department of Health Cabinet Secretary Kathy Kunkel. “Even as we reopen, COVID-19 is still out there, and we must continue to be vigilant.”
“I am thankful for our employees who have been working tirelessly to provide reliable electricity to the homes, businesses and first responders who need it the most,” said Pat Vincent-Collawn, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of PNM. “With the help of the State of New Mexico, PNM proactively organized several testing centers for our critical employees. Broad testing helps keep our employees safe, and with the added benefit of contact tracing, helps slow the spread of this vicious disease.”
“We wish to thank the Water Authority employees whose dedication and hard work have ensured the continued delivery of safe drinking water and reliable sewer service in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County throughout the pandemic,” said Klarissa Peña, Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority Board Chairperson. “In the interest of their health and safety, and that of the public, we are encouraging all our employees to get tested for COVID-19, and very much appreciate efforts by the State of New Mexico to help make that possible.”
“The data provided by testing increases safety in the workplace,” said John Foster, Chief Executive Officer of Southwest Generation. “We are grateful to the State of New Mexico for their leadership on this important initiative.”
Many people who are infected with coronavirus may not experience any symptoms while still having the potential to pass the virus onto others, making largescale testing incredibly important in preventing its spread – and keeping New Mexico on a path toward reopening the economy.
If proactive testing identifies a positive case, the New Mexico Environment Department and Department of Health will contact the employer about the appropriate next steps to take to prevent the spread of the virus, including disinfection and follow-up testing. Proactive testing can minimize disruption to operations.
Testing will be available from 8 to 11 a.m. every Monday, beginning June 15, at the locations listed. Testing is free, but those who have insurance should bring their card with them. Appointments are required and must be scheduled by noon the preceding Friday by calling a local public health office.
Office name | Address | City | ZIP code | Scheduling phone number |
Midtown PHO | 2400 Wellesley Dr. NE | Albuquerque | 87107 | 505-841-4106 505-841-4681 |
Sandoval Co. PHO | 1500 Idalia Rd. | Bernalillo | 87004 | 505-867-2291 |
McKinley Co. | 410 Bataan Veterans Rd. | Gallup | 87301 | 505-722-4391 |
San Juan PHO | 355 S. Miller Rd | Farmington | 87401 | 505-327-4461 X9 |
Valencia Co. PHO | 617 Becker Ave. | Belen | 87002 | 505-864-7743 |
Santa Fe PHO | 605 Letrado St. | Santa Fe | 87505 | 505-476-2600 |
Espanola PHO | 2010 Industrial Pk Rd. | Española | 87532 | 505-753-2794 |
Los Alamos PHO | 1183 Diamond Dr, Ste D | Los Alamos | 87544 | 505-662-4038 |
Taos PHO | 1400 Weimer Rd. | Taos | 87571 | 575-758-4719 |
Las Vegas PHO | 18 Gallegos Rd. | Las Vegas | 87701 | 505-425-9368 |
Santa Rosa PHO | 117 Camino de Vida | Santa Rosa | 88435 | 575-472-3211 |
Raton PHO | 226 E. 4th Street | Raton | 87740 | 575-445-3601 |
Artesia PHO | 1001 Memorial Dr. | Artesia | 88210 | 575-746-9819 |
Carlsbad PHO | 1306 W. Stevens | Carlsbad | 88220 | 575-885-4191 |
Clovis PHO | 1216 Cameo St. | Clovis | 88101 | 575-763-5583 |
Ft. Sumner PHO | 514 Ave. C | Ft. Sumner | 88119 | 575-355-3262 |
Hobbs PHO | 1923 N. Dal Paso | Hobbs | 88240 | 575-397-2463 |
Lovington PHO | 302 N. 5th St. | Lovington | 88260 | 575-396-2853 |
Portales PHO | 1513 W. Fir | Portales | 88130 | 575-356-4453 |
Roswell PHO | 200 E. Chisum | Roswell | 88201 | 575-624-6050 |
Ruidoso PHO | 111 Kansas City Rd. | Ruidoso | 88345 | 575-258-3252 |
Tucumcari PHO | 310 S. 2nd St. | Tucumcari | 88401 | 575-461-2610 |
Las Cruces PHO | 1170 N. Solano | Las Cruces | 88001 | 575-528-5063 |
Anthony PHO | 865 N. Anthony Drive | Anthony | 88021 | 575-882-5858 X4 |
Sunland Park | 3807 McNutt Rd. | Sunland Park | 88063 | 575-589-2543 X4 |
Grant Co PHO | 2610 N. Silver | Silver City | 88061 | 575-538-5318 X4 |
Otero Co PHO | 1207 8th St. | Alamogordo | 88310 | 575-437-9340 X4 |
Socorro Co PHO | 214 Neel Ave. NW | Socorro | 87801 | 575-835-0971 X3 |
Businesses that applied under the first round of funding are not eligible to apply for this second round of applications.
Second round of applicants must:
Grant monies may only be used for certain purposes. To request an application or more information, please email ncervantes@mescaleroapachetribe.com.
Applications must be emailed to ncervantes@mescaleroapachetribe.com before the deadline.
June 6, 2020. Early this morning, former Mescalero Apache Tribal President Frederick Chino, Sr. passed on after a long battle with cancer.
He was President of the Tribe in 2012 and 2013. Prior to that, he served many terms as a member of the Tribal Council and Vice-President of the Tribe. Mr. Chino began his most recent term in January 2020. He is one of the longest serving leaders in the Tribe’s history. Current President Gabe Aguilar reflected, “Fred was known for always carrying a copy of the Tribal Constitution with him and in his heart. But he did not need the copy; he had it memorized because of his dedication to our people.”
Mr. Chino served under the late President Wendell Chino, a well-known leader of the Tribe who passed in 1998. “Fred always talked about the late Wendell Chino but Fred himself contributed a lot to the Tribe,” President Aguilar added, “Fred was never afraid to defend our Tribe’s sovereignty. I am honored to have served with him and my prayers are with his entire family.”
Mr. Chino is survived by his wife Gloria, his children, his many grandchildren and great grandchildren. He died peacefully at his home in Mescalero surrounded by family and friends.
From the family of Mr. Chino:
“We, the family of the late Frederick Chino Sr., would like to express our gratitude, appreciation, and best wishes to all that eased a trying time for us. The hugs, the words, phone calls an txt messages, the various foods an drinks, flowers, cards, blankets, and cash donations, and hands on help was enormous. Rather than try to name each individual or family, simply Thank You very much to all. We will pay it forward, because thats what Frederick would do. Ixhehe
As of June 5, 2020:
0 positive
10 positive cases (reservation residents)
1 positive case (non-reservation resident)
1 death