For more information on the Mescalero Child Welfare & Family Services click here.
On April 5, 2021 President Gabe Aguilar along with two members of the Tribal Council, Bernalyn Via and Danny Breuninger, went to witness an historic signing at the Roundhouse by the governor.
Many tribal leaders from across New Mexico were also in attendance as they have been anticipating this moment for quite sometime.
House Bill 6 is extremely important to the Tribe, as with other Tribes, Nations and Pueblos of New Mexico, because it improves educational resources for our Native American students.
Specifically, HB6 will impact students who attend school districts off the reservation that have greater amounts of Native American students enrolled in that school district.
The Mescalero Apache Tribe especially thanks Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, New Mexico Secretary of Indian Affairs Department Lynn Trujillo and many others who pushed efforts on getting the bill passed.
SANTA FE – Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Monday visited Aspen Elementary School in Los Alamos as more students, educators and school staff prepare to safely re-enter the classroom this week as part of New Mexico’s return to full in-person learning.
“I was glad to have the opportunity to visit with students and educators today,” said Gov. Lujan Grisham. “I know so many all across our state are incredibly excited to safely get back to class – my granddaughter Avery was no exception this morning. I look forward to a continued successful and safe re-entry and want educators and school staff to know: This state will always have your back.”
The governor was given a tour of the school by two Aspen Elementary School fifth graders and guided through the school’s COVID-safe practices before greeting a few classes in session and speaking with educators and school staff.
The Public Education Department expects all school districts will be back in full – though families retain the option of remaining in the hybrid or remote model – this week. This comes after a month of preparation and vaccination of educators and school staff – and more than a full year after the COVID-19 pandemic prompted the closure of school buildings. As of last week, almost a third of the state’s school districts were already offering full in-person learning.
On March 8, Public Education Secretary Ryan Stewart announced the state’s goal of all public schools reaching full re-entry by April 5. All schools had previously been in the remote model until Sept. 8; most elementary schools were eligible for the hybrid category in the fall; all schools became eligible for the hybrid model Feb. 8; and all schools are now eligible for full reentry, which means all students can return to their school buildings for in-person each school day.
As part of the April 5 goal, the state of New Mexico committed to accelerating the vaccinations of school personnel, including educators and staff. All of New Mexico’s nearly 51,000 K-12 educators and school staff had been offered the COVID-19 vaccine as of March 31, according to the Public Education Department, which in coordination with the New Mexico Department of Health worked throughout the month of March to vaccinate all educators and school staff as part of a federal initiative to accelerate a safe return to full classroom re-entry.
SANTA FE, N.M. – Interagency public land management partners from Arizona and New Mexico have worked to develop a map-based tool to inform the public about fire restrictions on public lands. Partner agencies, under the Southwest Coordinating Group, have worked to develop a new informational web tool that went live Monday, April 5, 2021. The new web tool is designed to provide the public with fire restrictions information for public lands that is easy to find and understand, as well as linking the users to the agencies managing those public lands for more detailed information for trip planning.
Fire restrictions can be found by visiting the following locations:
Fire restrictions are implemented in an effort to help decrease human-caused fires during periods of high fire potential by restricting activities which are the most common causes of wildfires. By providing a resource with accurate and timely information, the goal is to educate and increase compliance, therefore reducing preventable human-caused fires.
Partner agencies in this effort include National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management, and the New Mexico Forestry Division.
Know before you go! Always check for fire restrictions before you head outdoors. Do your part in keeping our residents, property, and wildlands safe from unwanted, human-caused fires.
Mescalero community member, Frances Jolene Blake, enjoyed this time of year. She especially loved the joy it brought to all the little children. This year, in memory of Jolene, her family is donating 500 plastic eggs to the Community Easter Egg Hunt.
A huge THANK YOU to the family for generous donation!!
This is what they want to share:
“During the month of February 2021, our dearly beloved “Jolo” (Frances Jolene Blake) put forth every effort to purchase over 500 plastic eggs, to fill them with candy, so they could be ready for the Community Easter Egg Hunt. Jolene loved little children so much, she wanted to do this to show our children of Mescalero just how much they meant to her. So today, March 31, 2021, for the community hunt, the family prepared the eggs she bought, filled them with candy, and is donating them all to the Mescalero Apache Tribe, so Jolene’s wish can be fulfilled.
The memory of her kind heart and compassion for “little children” will live on going forth. Thank you everyone for being a part of this special event.
Here are a couple of pictures of what our “Jolo” wanted!
“A limb has fallen from the family tree… but the cherished memories will remain in our hearts forever. Enjoy your family, your loved ones. God bless you all”.
From the family of FRANCES JOLENE BLAKE “Jolo”, we wish you a blessed, joyous and memorable Easter!
Summer Applications are DUE APRIL 1, 2021. Turn in Applications to Tribal Security at the front doors of the Tribal Offices.
JOM Applications may be turned into security at the front doors as well for graduation reimbursement.
Assistance is for households experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19
SANTA FE – The state of New Mexico will grant approximately $170M of federal aid to New Mexicans for rental and utility assistance to households experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) will administer the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) in partnership with the City of Albuquerque. New Mexicans can apply for assistance at www.RentHelpNM.org beginning April 5, 2021.
“New Mexicans have persevered through incredible challenges this last year,” said Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham. “My administration has stepped up not only to fight the health effects of the pandemic but to assist businesses and individuals at every single opportunity – and this program is more of the same, as we put the dollars at our disposal to the best possible use: helping New Mexicans.”
“We know many New Mexicans require a variety of aid as a result of the pandemic, and as we acquire more funds, we will get the money out the door as quickly and efficiently as possible,” said Finance and Administration Secretary Debbie Romero. “Our team has been working diligently on building this program from conception to launch.”
“Identifying New Mexicans in need of rental and utility assistance will take a collaborative effort, so in addition to our efforts, we hope to collaborate with nonprofits and other entities for community outreach, said Donnie Quintana, Local Government Division Director, and ERAP lead.
“This funding is an important extension of the safety net we have been providing for Albuquerque residents throughout the pandemic.” Said Mayor Tim Keller. “By teaming up with the state and local partners, we can streamline the application process and quickly get money to those in our community who need it to stay housed.”
Renters across the state are eligible for the program — except for residents of Bernalillo County, Dona Ana County, and those who live in a pueblo or tribal area. Those two counties, as well as tribal governments, will administer their own Rental Assistance Programs. Those seeking assistance should review the current FAQ at www.RentHelpNM.org to learn more about eligibility and documentation needed for their application.
The state of New Mexico will either pay the landlord and/or the utility provider directly depending on the financial assistance request by the applicant. Landlords and utility providers are encouraged to download a W9 and submit it to DFA via ERAVendor.Relations@state.nm.us as soon as possible to ensure a streamlined process for receiving payment.
For more information visit www.RentHelpNM.org or see attached FAQ to this press release.
SANTA FE – Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Friday afternoon received her first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine alongside community members at a Department of Health vaccination site at Desert Sage Academy in Santa Fe.
The New Mexico Department of Health last week announced it was expanding vaccine eligibility to phases 1B and 1C of the state’s prioritization criteria. As supply from the federal government increases, the state is able to expand eligibility and reach more New Mexicans who have registered and are awaiting a vaccine.
As of Thursday New Mexico had administered almost 1.1 million total doses and remains among the nation’s leaders in per-capita vaccine distribution. Forty percent of New Mexicans as of Thursday had received at least one shot, and 24.2 percent were fully vaccinated.
Gov. Lujan Grisham, 61, joins the now 49 percent of New Mexicans aged 60 to 74 who have already received at least one shot from the state, according to Department of Health data as of March 25.
Pool photography for news media, courtesy of the Albuquerque Journal and to be credited to photographer Eddie Moore, will be available at this link.
The governor issued the following statement:
“I know many elected leaders, including governors, have gotten their shots before now, but it was important to me to wait until it was my turn in the priority list – just like we have asked so many New Mexicans to wait their turn, and to be patient, to trust the process is moving as quickly as it can, and to keep wearing our masks and physically distancing to protect each other and our families.
“I don’t like needles, so I’ll be honest with New Mexicans and say that I was a little nervous. But it means I get to see my mom sooner. It means I’m doing my part to help end the pandemic. And it means I’m doing my part to help protect New Mexico. So, despite that fear, getting my shot today was an absolute no-brainer.
“The entire experience was well-organized, professional, quick and painless, and I will continue to enthusiastically encourage New Mexicans to register with the Department of Health and step up to get their shot when it’s their turn for an appointment. Day by day, shot by shot, we are, all together, moving closer to the end of this awful pandemic.
“I want all New Mexicans to know that the Department of Health is getting shots into arms just as efficiently as we receive them from the federal administration – more efficiently than any state in the country. I couldn’t be prouder to lead a state government that is setting an example for the entire nation for safe, equitable and rapid COVID-19 vaccine distribution.
“Just as our health officials have asked all New Mexicans to do, I will keep wearing my mask and I will keep up the physical distancing to protect myself, my family and my neighbors. It’s the most important thing each of us can do to maintain the incredible progress we’ve made as a state in suppressing the virus.
“I firmly believe New Mexico can be the first state in the nation to vaccinate every eligible adult. For that to happen, we need all New Mexicans to be patient and be ready to step up when it’s their turn, and I was humbled to have the chance to do that this afternoon.”
The governor received the Pfizer shot. Like any New Mexican taking part in a Department of Health vaccine clinic, she did not choose which shot she received. The governor encourages New Mexicans to follow the guidance of health officials who advise that residents should take whichever COVID-19 shot is offered to them.