This summer we will have the Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) group EcoServants assisting with cleaning up brush and vegetation around homes occupied by our elderly and handicapped. Starting with a list of names that DRMP staff got from the Elderly Center, this week we will have staff going around, knocking on doors to let people know we will have young adults from EcoServants that will assist with cutting and removing brushy vegetation that can create fuel ladders within the Home Ignition Zone.
The Home Ignition Zone is an area 100 feet around the home, starting from the home foundation and including vegetation and structures like decks, fences and outbuildings. “The majority of homes that have been lost to wildfire are first ignited by embers and small flames. By reducing the susceptibility of the area immediately around [your] home and the home itself, the chances of a home surviving an ember storm or small spot fire are greatly increased. Work in the Home Ignition Zone is also called creating defensible space.” To learn more about the Home Ignition Zone, and how you can protect your home, please click on this link: Home Ignition Zone – Wildfire Risk to Communities. There are videos that show how an ember fire can start and what you can do to reduce your risk.
EcoServants will be working here on the Reservation starting today and going through the end of July. We will have DRMP staff knocking on doors of elderly and handicapped residents to see if they would like work done around their house to reduce chances of ignition during a wildfire. The EcoServants Crew will be in white vans and white trucks. They will be wearing green, brown and grey t-shirts with YCC and EcoServants on their shirts. This is a pic of our EcoServants Crew this year.

If you have any questions, call DRMP at 575-464-4711.