As of September 8, 2021 at approximately 6pm, the Mescalero Dispatch number 575-464-4479 is running correctly.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Mescalero Dispatch number 575-464-4479 is experiencing issues.
Mescalero Dispatch has a cell phone number which can be utilized for NON-EMERGENCY contact.
This number can be utilized to contact dispatch for fire-rescue, conservation and law enforcement needs.
If emergency situation, call 911, which is still operational.
Thank you for your cooperation.
For more information contact Dorlynn Simmons at 575-430-1012.
Checks for the 2021 Economic Support Program will be available as follows:
NOTE: Stimulus checks CAN be cashed @ IMG or the Travel Center
Checks for out-of-town residents will be mailed out on September 16, 2021
For more information, call the Accounting Department at 575-464-9312 or 575-464-9251
Due to the Hunts on the Reservation starting up, both Tribal and Public hunts through the Inn of the Mountain Gods, ALL funeral escorts will be handled by BIA Law Enforcement. Conservation Officers will be extremely busy from now through the last hunt in January of 2022 with enforcement of the tribes Hunting/Natural Resources laws.
Hunter Safety Classes will ALL be online until further notice and can be scheduled through: .
The Conservation Departments Social Media page is down and we ask you either call the Conservation Office Directly (575-464-9323) for hunt related questions (or follow the Tribes webpage) or BIA Law Enforcement Dispatch for Natural Resource Crimes/Animal Control calls.
Please report ALL Wildlife/Natural Resource crimes to BIA Law Enforcement Dispatch at 575-464-4479.
Thank You for your cooperation.
Starting today, August 31, 2021, the Tribe will be giving out applications for the stimulus payment at the Tribal Offices.
Payments will be available for distribution on September 15, 2021 and payments will be mailed out the following day, September 16, 2021.
The Emergency Rental Assistance Program received over 400 applications and we are unable to respond to individual emails and phone calls inquiring about their status. Unfortunately, many people did not follow instructions on the application and supporting documentation (proof of income, leases, etc.) is missing. This will delay the review process.
Any applications submitted on Monday, August 23rd or later will not be reviewed until after Labor Day.
We are working in the following order:
You need to pay your bill if you are concerned the lights will be turned off, need gas, etc.
If you do not pay rent, the Homeowner’s Assistance Fund will launch in September. An announcement will be made.
As of August 23, 2021:
Total tests: 18,245* (since March 2019)
Negative: 17,187
Positive: 1,058
New Positives: 35 (since 8/19/21)*
Active cases: 54
Direct Contacts: 50
Current Hospitalizations: 0
Total Deaths: 25
New Deaths: 0
Total Breakthroughs: 51 (since December 2020)
New Breakthroughs: 5 (since 8/19/21)
*Includes testing by IHS & NMDOH
**Average over last 4 days: 8.75 new cases per day
BIA/OJS Mescalero Agency wants to remind Mescalero residents, employees and visitors that IF Emergency Services are needed, please call:
Post this number on your refrigerator or save it in your cell phone.
If you need:
Call RIGHT AWAY. ANY of these Mescalero employees (Police, Fire/Rescue, and Conservation) are dispatched from on-duty Communications Officer that have protocol and procedures to follow in getting other on-duty employees to respond.
If you do not call right away, the respond time will only be delayed and as we all know, in emergency circumstances, seconds count. Lastly, if/when you see something suspicious, PLEASE CALL IT IN.