1995 Chevy S-10: Brent James
2000 Chevy 3500 Crew Truck: Ruben Peralta
White Ford Expedition: Robyn Rice
1985 Chevy 1/2 Ton: Gary Saenz
2002 Chevy Tahoe: Tribal Department
2002 Red Ford F-150: Robyn Rice
1999 Maroon Ford Expedition: Hanson Dennis
5th Wheel Trailer: Gary Ahidley
101 Central, P.O. 248 Mescalero, New Mexico 88340 Office: (575) 464-9235
The Mescalero Apache Tribe Housing Department (“Owner”) is requesting proposals from a Qualified General Contractors licensed in the State of New Mexico for Construction Services for the project entitled: A’ diidi ni’kuwaa Permanent Supportive Housing on the Mescalero Reservation.
Owner will review only bids that meet the threshold requirements listed below and that provide all documentation required pursuant to this RFP and the Bid Packet.
Threshold Requirements:
Complete Bid Packets and a more detailed Request for Proposal, may be obtained from the Project Architect, Elizabeth Suina, Suina Design + Architecture by calling Elizabeth Suina at 505-917-1076 or by email at esuina@suinadesign.com. Proposals are due by February 16, 2024 no later than 3pm.
This will be a “sealed bid” meaning a person can bid on a vehicle once at the minimum amount or higher, but a person can bid on all vehicles. This auction is open to anyone, tribal and non-tribal members and outside residence of Mescalero. Bids will be collected until FRIDAY JANUARY 19TH AT 4PM. Will accept money orders or cashier’s check only and payment can be dropped off at the Front Desk at the Tribal Offices. Some vehicles are in very bad conditions and all will be sold as is.
Attention Mescalero Apache Community Members
This letter is to inform you about some temporary adjustments with Mescalero CHR program.
Michaelene Ahidley is the Acting CHR Director and Cindy Prelo will be next in charge for the CHR program. If you have any questions, please call us at 575-464-1614.
CHR is currently located in the Elderly Center building their phone number is 464-9256. You may call them directly. If you are unable to contact CHR please call the elderly center number. We are unable to transfer calls from the elderly to CHR but we will do our best to locate one of them.
CHR will be in training starting January 29, 2024 through February 9, 2024, during this time the elderly program will temporarily be providing transportation and medication delivery. For transportation, please give us a 24- hour notice. Medication will be delivered once a day in the afternoon by 3:00 pm. We will do our best to accommodate you during this time. Please plan accordingly to help us accommodate you in the best way.
CHR does have access to a handicap van for community use. Please let the staff know if you need to be transported in a handicap van. Please remember that this is a temporary schedule. CHR will resume their regular duties on February 12, 2023.
This notice is to inform you of the Mescalero IHS temporary weekend closure, effective Saturday, January 13, 2024. Our intent is to continue providing the best level of services to our patients and community given limited staffing levels. We are extending appointment hours for weekdays and same day appointments will be available. We will be open Monday-Friday from 8am to 6:30pm daily. Holidays we will be open 8am – 4pm urgent-care only.
Please drive safely.