As of August 18, 2020:
Negatives: 5905
Positives: 61 (52 residents & 9 TM non-residents)
Total tests: 6070*
*Includes IHS and testing by NMDOH/other entities
2 deaths
0 hospitalized
4 active cases (not hospitalized but in quarantine)
55 recovered
August 18, 2020. Earlier today, the Mescalero Apache Tribe announced the death of a Reservation resident, an elderly woman, from the corona virus (COVID-19). Tribal President Gabe Aguilar stated, “We are a small community and every death hurts. Our prayers are with the family.” The elderly woman who passed became sick several weeks ago and appeared to be on her way to a full recovery. President Aguilar commented, “She fought hard but in the end, she did not survive.”
This is the second death for the Tribe; the Tribe suffered its first coronavirus death, also an elderly woman, in late May. President Aguilar added, “We know the virus targets the elderly. The Tribe is doing everything we can to protect them and the community as a whole. And, we will keep working at it.” The Tribe has restricted access to the Reservation, mandated the use of facemasks in public and taken a number of other steps to curb the spread of COVID-19 on the Reservation.
The Tribe provides updates on its official website (www.mescaleroapachetribe.com) and Facebook page.
New info provided by Mescalero Utility Department:
Please conserve your water for the next couple of weeks in White Mountain Subdivision and Mescalero High School area. Lightening struck the pump house and burnt out the circuit boards and damaged the pump to the well. We have a temporary fix and are in the process of fixing the situation but, it is going to take some time to get the parts. So please conserve your water so we don’t stress the pump out and cause it to fail.
Thank you,
The Mescalero Utility Department
As of August 13, 2020:
Negatives: 5511
Positives: 60 (51 residents & 9 TM non-residents)
Total tests: 5988
*Includes IHS and testing by NMDOH/other entities
1 death
2 hospitalized
4 active cases (not hospitalized but in quarantine)
53 recovered
(Albuquerque, NM) – Today, the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWS) submitted an application to the United States Federal Emergency Management Administration for funding that would provide an additional $300 per week payments to New Mexicans receiving Unemployment benefits. U.S. Department of Labor guidance allows for existing Unemployment Trust Fund payments delivered by NMDWS to count as 25% matching funds for the program.
“Politics don’t matter in a crisis; my focus and our state’s focus has been and will continue to be delivering resources to New Mexicans in need,” said Gov. Lujan Grisham. “I maintain that a Congressional aid package is needed to bolster unemployment funds for New Mexicans, but we will take every opportunity to help families and workers throughout this pandemic.”
“Governor Lujan Grisham is asking all of us to work together and find any resources to help New Mexicans through this tough time,” said Bill McCamley, Secretary of the New Mexico Workforce Solutions Department. “Though it is unclear at this time when funding will become available, or how much funding is available, the Department will work hard to distribute funds to New Mexicans as quickly as possible. Our friends and neighbors need resources to pay for rent, utilities, food, childcare, and many other services and we will get as much money as possible into their pockets.”
NMDWS looks forward to receiving a response from FEMA to begin planning and implementing the distribution of additional funds quickly to New Mexicans who need it. There is no need for claimants to contact NMDWS at this time. We will announce more information once it becomes available.
News release provided by NMDWS.
This week, the Division of Resource Management and Protection will start work to remove the non-native Siberian elm from spring areas in the main village of Mescalero. Siberian elm is native to many places in the eastern US, but here in Mescalero, the elm invades areas along the Tularosa Creek. The elms grow very aggressively, spreading through underground sprouts. They often replace native riparian species, such as willows, cattails and cottonwood, and can reduce the function of these riparian ecosystems to buffer the effects of flooding. The elms also use up precious groundwater and get into our domestic water distribution lines, creating havoc with our drinking water supply.
We intend to treat the Tularosa Creek drainage in phases, totaling approximately 800 acres. In this phase, we will treat approximately 35 acres, focusing on improving and protecting spring flow in and around the Fish Hatchery and the numerous springs in this area. We do not intend to remove any elms from people’s yards at this time. We will apply for additional funding in the coming years to treat the elms in the Rodeo Grounds and Agency area, as well as Old Road.
DRMP Thinning Crew members will be working in and around the Fish Hatchery and North Springs areas, using chainsaws to cut the trees, and following with an herbicide treatment to prevent re-sprouting of the elm. All work will be conducted in accordance with the “BIA Mescalero Noxious Weed Management Plan, 2016-2026”. The herbicide to be used has been approved for use along waterways, and all applicable safety precautions will be observed. Several DRMP staff members have also obtained the necessary training and Applicator Certifications for the use of herbicides. The cut stems will be hauled to the C-Side Transfer Station, for future burning in the Air Curtain Destructor installed there.
Please use caution when driving and walking in these areas. If you have any questions, please feel free to call DRMP at (575) 464-4711.
Hello campers – GREAT NEWS! 🏕
Silver Lake will be RE-OPENING
Friday, August 14th at 9am🌞
and will be closing on Sept. 9th **Mescalero Cabins and Eagle Creek will remain closed for the rest of the season.**