The Mescalero Violence Against Women Program (VAWA) hosted a drive thru- ice cream social on June 16, 2022 at 1:00 pm. There were over 100 ice cream dishes given out to the community. Everyone received information on Elderly Abuse awareness and Strangulation awareness. Information was given with a diagram of what happens to a person who has been strangled and what to look for in person who may have been strangled. Pamphlets on Elder Abuse and Strangulation were distributed to our participants, elder abuse pamphlets showed the different types of elderly abuse and the most common our community has seen. Strangulation pamphlets gave information on the different symptoms to look for in a strangled victim. The VAWA staff would like to thank the Mescalero community for driving through for some ice cream and for recognizing the awareness of both elder abuse and strangulation for more information regarding our program, please call our office at (575)464-0079.