The Emergency Rental Assistance Program received over 400 applications and we are unable to respond to individual emails and phone calls inquiring about their status. Unfortunately, many people did not follow instructions on the application and supporting documentation (proof of income, leases, etc.) is missing. This will delay the review process.
Any applications submitted on Monday, August 23rd or later will not be reviewed until after Labor Day.
We are working in the following order:
- Off reservation tenants September rent and utility bills. (Must maintain/secure employment)
- Working homeless. (Must maintain employment)
- Homeless. (Must secure employment ASAP. IMG is hiring and so is everywhere else.)
- Mescalero Apache Tribe Housing Department tenants and utility bills.
You need to pay your bill if you are concerned the lights will be turned off, need gas, etc.
If you do not pay rent, the Homeowner’s Assistance Fund will launch in September. An announcement will be made.