Meet the Council

by Mescalero Apache Tribe | January 26, 2016 3:45 pm


Thora Walsh Padilla, President

Duane Duffy, Vice President

Robert Rice, Secretary

Idella Star, Treasurer

Tribal Council Members

Councilman Clyde Davis Jr.

Councilwoman Krystal Enjady

Councilwoman Idella Starr

Councilwoman Caroline Blake

Councilman Robert Rice

Councilman Alfred LaPaz

Councilwoman Dorlynn Simmons

Councilman Christie LaPaz Jr.

Standing Committees

Executive Committee

Thora Walsh Padilla, President

Duane Duffy, Vice-President

Robert Rice, Secretary

Idella Star, Treasurer

Duties of Committee

Programs Committee

Krystal Enjady, Chair

Dorlynn Simmons

Idella Starr

Christie LaPaz Jr.

Duties of Committee

Community Service Committee

Dorlynn Simmons, Chair

Alfred LaPaz

Clyde Davis Jr.

Robert Rice

Duties of Committee

Resources Committee

Robert Rice, Chair

Christie LaPaz Jr.

Idella Starr

Caroline Blake

Duties of Committee

Cultural Committee

Clyde Davis Jr., Chair

Krystal Enjady

Caroline Blake

Alfred LaPaz Jr.

Duties of Committee

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