by Mescalero Apache Tribe | November 4, 2016 5:00 pm
After more than 15 years, the Mescalero Community Center recently had renovations done to the gymnasium and public restrooms.
In early July 2016 as the “Kickoff Project” the gymnasium walls were repainted and years of fading and stains were removed and new life was breath into the gym with fresh white paint.
Once all the paint had dried, the refurbishment of the gym floor got underway. Starting in August, the Center Maintenance crew began clearing away anything that wasn’t needed for the refurbishment.
Then, the work began!
With the completion of the refurbished gym floor, the Center Maintenance crew, along with Administration, have taken steps to protect and maintain the gym floor and the financial investment made on behalf of the tribal membership.
As a result, certain activities will be prohibited on the new gym floor. Activities that may damage the new finish on the flooring will likely cease be held in the gym.
The major concern for the flooring is assuring its pristine condition. Food, un-hygienic substances, debris, and trash were the primary causes of the deterioration of the old floor and presented a major setback in getting the gym refurbished as many hours were spent cleaning the gym before the renovation could take place.
In an effort to make sure our community gym is protected from damaged, only approved activities will be allowed in the gym moving forward.
Center Maintenance is looking into new carpet and/or floor covering that would be utilized to protect the gym floor during certain functions. Before, mats were carried and laid out evenly covering the whole gym. The new carpet and/or floor covering would be stored and simply rolled out.
Also in August, the renovation of the public restrooms began.
Workers had to totally demolish the men’s and women’s restroom in order for new furnishings to be installed.
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