Dividend Distribution Information

by Mescalero Apache Tribe | June 22, 2023 9:25 am

 Tribal Finance Department

​​​      575-464-9251/9312


For June 29th, 2023: $350 per tribal member

Checks will be distributed on the following schedule:

• Thursday, June 29, 2023 Mescalero Community Center – Gymnasium 9:00 am – 5:00 pm  

• Friday, June 30, 2023  Mescalero Community Center – Gymnasium 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Deductions up to 50% of this dividend will be taken for child support in arrears

Check mailing information: 

• Checks will be mailed on Friday, July 7th, 2023 at 2:00 pm

• Checks will be mailed to out-of-town residents only

o if you reside in Mescalero, Ruidoso, Tularosa or Alamogordo (locals) and would like your check mailed, please notify the Finance Department no later than Thursday, July 6th by 4:00 pm

• If you are an out-of-town resident and do not want your check mailed, please notify the Administrative front desk receptionists no later than Thursday, July 6th by 4:00 pm. All address changes will need to be made with Crystal Lester as soon as possible

• Once the checks are placed in the mail, they become property of the US Postal service- we cannot go back and request for a check to be pulled or recovered

Returned checks:

• All returned checks will go directly to Tribal Finance

o Please call Crystal Lester with any address changes

• Tribal Finance will then contact Crystal Lester for an updatedaddress 

o If an updated address is not received, the check will remain in Tribal Finance until a new address has been received

• Once Tribal Finance receives the updated address, the check will be mailed out the next business day

Lost/stolen checks:

• If you lose a check or it is stolen, you will need to notify the Tribal Finance Department

• A request to place a stop payment will need to be completed. There is a $35 stop payment fee

• The stop payment takes approximately 3 business days

o Once the stop payment has been approved, it will be re-issued the Friday after

Things to remember:

• Notes are accepted only with the approval of the President, Vice-President or designee.

• Please have an ID available, as the individuals distributing dividend may not know you and will need to verify your identity

• If you are under the influence, your check will not be distributed to you

• Early check releases cannot be accommodated 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.

Source URL: https://mescaleroapachetribe.com/18824/dividend-distribution-information-3/