Diaper Donations at the Early Childhood Education Program

by Mescalero Apache Tribe | November 21, 2022 3:48 pm

Mescalero Apache Early Childhood Education Program[1] received diaper donations.

They have sizes 4, 5, and 6; as well as wipes.

If you or someone you know is in need, call or text the listed numbers above for more information.

  1. Mescalero Apache Early Childhood Education Program: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076154889143&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZUqCFpRs4l0UkOE-vxiSwvF8_KkDcESOFyePt68Sq2FMsFTRLDRVAsCtu025TqiMU58SRg6oyO286Bb_OAqR-xgfSUFO2fZnKfcKwHUgII-HcVps2AjrwFYfN7BmwiDcN8&__tn__=-%5DK-R

Source URL: https://mescaleroapachetribe.com/17677/diaper-donations-at-the-early-childhood-education-program/