PED-supported workshops designed to help parents

by Mescalero Apache Tribe | October 20, 2020 12:31 pm

Virtual sessions offer strategies for helping children learn at home

SANTA FE — The Public Education Department urges New Mexico parents to participate in a new series of virtual workshops designed to help them prioritize self-care and support their children in remote learning. The workshop series was funded by PED and created by CNM Ingenuity, an outreach program of Central New Mexico Community College. The sessions, described in more detail here, are open to all New Mexicans at no cost and are available in English and Spanish. The series consists of three workshops:

“Caring for oneself and one’s children has never been more complicated or more critical than during the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re navigating new and unfamiliar territory within remote and hybrid learning stances, and we want our families to know they are not alone. We know family engagement is paramount to supporting students’ success, and we are here to help,” said Katherine Avery, interim director of strategic outreach and community engagement for the PED.

CNM Ingenuity previously provided a series of workshops to help K-12 teachers optimize their virtual learning environments.

“We quickly realized that parents could use help navigating all the recent changes and that they would benefit from a place where they could share the strategies and challenges,” said Erica Volkers-Barreiro, CNM’s Future of Work strategist who organized the workshops.

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